Personalized Nutrition

Just like snowflakes, no two individuals are exactly the same. That’s precisely why your nutritional needs are unique to you. The simple-to-take assessment gathers information critical to determining which nutrients, what doses, and the best times for intake will optimize your chances of achieving the health goals you and your coaches have set.

About Us

At Sad Cow, we are passionate about helping individuals achieve their best possible health.

We create innovative dietary supplements in response to individual feedback from our licensed healthcare practitioners and customers. A quarter century of experience has proved to us the value of our personal attention to every detail and customer, and this is one of the reasons for our success.


Stay Connected, Stay on track, Stay healthy.

Start an entirely new kind of fit program! By connecting with a coach that will help you stay on track with weekly activities, and using the latest science based formula products.

Sad Cow is about building a community focused on health and fitness.

Striving to motivate individuals to pursue a healthy lifestyle.  Weekly activities are scheduled that involve fitness types of all levels.  We carry wide range of product that will also help you achieve the results you desire.  With our help, we are committed to getting you into a better, more healthy lifestyle.


Upcoming Events

Our active approach nudges you towards a daily healthy lifestyle. Get fit, healthy and strong by teaming up with individuals that are at your level. Counting calories alone will not help you be healthy. It’s simple. Be active, be strong, be powerful, and team up with a local activities coach.


And what they’re about.

Smart programs help you pursue , monitor, and integrate the latest advance products for long term health goals.

90 day cleanse - This cleanse will help you lose weight, build muscle, and give you a head start on getting fit. The cleanse involves going through a 6 day detox followed by taking two shakes a day for 90 days. After completion, you will see amazing results and feel anew.
Designed to renew and enhance the body’s cleansing and detoxification capabilities. This kit encourages the various detox-linked systems and organs of the body to process and eliminate waste and toxins.

Contact Us

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Join the revolution to create a healthier community.